Manifest Journaling 101
Years ago, I started getting diagnosed with what the world called "invisible diseases". I was only 23 years old at the time. It was a very long story and process, ending with my 7th diagnosis and me almost completely shutting down. Physically, mentally, I was drained. As I walked out of the doctor's office in 2014, with the 7th thing to be added to my list of diseases, I was determined to change the way I was feeling, and how my body was responding to whatever attack was clearly going on.
I have researched since 1998, the first diagnosis, and not stopped improving my mind and body on a mission to not only help myself, but as many others as I could. I decided to "write as if everything was fine". I didn't know what that was called back then. I knew I wanted to heal, and I acted as if it was true.
There were TONS of skeptics, but I was done with being mentally drained. At that time, I had a list of specialists a binder thick of everything that had been run, done, etc. I mapped out my plan.
I present to you, Manifest Journaling. It changed how I thought and that, in turn, helped change my life.
2 classes on the subject, a guide book (e-book), a bonus meditation and a bonus journal!